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Capital City Caiphul?
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"A Dweller on Two Planets"
Book the First(Caiphul)
Chapter II,Page 46
In preceding pages the promontory of Caiphul was described as reaching out into the ocean from the Caiphalian plain and as visible from a great distance at night because of the glow of light from the capital. For three hundred miles westward from Numea the peninsula projected outwards from the plain, averaging almost to its extreme cape. a breadth of fifty Miles and rising much like the chalk-cliffs of England directly from the ocean to a height of nearly one hundred feet to reach a plain almost floor-like in its evenness. On the point of this great peninsula was Caiphul or "Atlan, Queen of the Wave." Beautiful, peaceful, with its wide spreading gardens of tropical loveliness,
"Where a leaf never fades in the still, blooming bowers,
And the bee banquets on thro' a whole year of flowers,"
its broad avenues shaded by great trees, its artificial hills, the largest surmounted by governmental palaces, and pierced and terraced by, the avenues which radiated from the city-center like spokes in a wheel. Fifty miles these ran in one direction, while at right angles from them, traversing the breadth of the peninsula, forty miles in length, were the shortest avenues. Thus lay, like a splendid dream, this, the proudest city of that ancient world.

Edgar Cayce Reading
READING: 364-12
(Q) Describe briefly one of the large cities of Atlantis at the height of its commercial and material prosperity, giving name and location.
(A) This was called Poseida, or the city that was built upon the hill that overlooked the waters of Parfa. In the vicinity was the egress and entrance to the waters from which, through which, many of the people passed in their association with, those of the outside walls or countries. Poseida was not an altogether walled city. A portion of it was built so that the waters of these rivers became as the pools about which both sacrifice and sport, and those necessities for the cleansing of body, home and all, were obtained. These waters were brought by large ducts or canals into these portions for preservation, and yet kept constantly in motion so that it purified itself in its course; for, as we find, as is seen, water in motion over stone or those various forces in the natural forces purifies itself in twenty feet of space.

"A Dweller on Two Planets"
Book the First(Caiphul)
Chapter II,Page 46
Trusting that the effort has been successful to depict by words the appearance of Atlantean governmental edifices, let us next obtain an idea of the Caiphalian promontory, whereon was enthroned Caiphul, the Royal City, the greatest of that ancient day, within the limits of which resided a population of two million souls, unencompassed by walled fortifications. Indeed, none of the cities of that age were girt about with walls, and in this respect they differed from the cities and towns known to later historical epochs. To call my records of this Poseidic age history, is not exceeding fact, since what I relate in these pages is history derived from the astral-light records. Nevertheless, it precedes the histories handed down in manuscript, papyrus rolls and rock-inscriptions by many centuries, seeing that Poseid was no longer known in the earth when history's first pages were chronicled by the earliest historian using papyrus; nay, nor even yet earlier, when the sculptors of the obelisks of Egypt and the rock-inscribers of the temples cut pictorial histories in enduring granite. No longer known was Poseid, for it is to-day approaching nine thousand years since the waters of the ocean engulfed our fair land and left no sign, not even so much as was left of those two cities hidden away beneath lava and ashes and for sixteen centuries of the Christian era thought never to have had existence. Excavators dug away the scoriae from Pompeii, but from Caiphul no man can turn aside the floods of the Atlantic and reveal what no more exists, for were every day a century it were even so nearly three months of such lengthy days since the dread fiat of GOD went forth unto the waters:
"Cover the land, so that the all-beholding sun shall see it no more in all his course."
And it was so.

Research MENU Page 3
1.>The Edgar Cayce Readings about Atlantis.
2.>Other Tongues Other Flesh. UFO'S & Atlantis?
3.>Prophecies from Phylos.
4.>The Book of Jasher.
5.>The Book of the Cave Treasures.
6.>The Book of Enoch
7.>Book: Atlantis the Antediluvian World
8.>Book: The unknown life of Jesus Christ.
9.>The Book of the Bee
10.>The Book of Adam.

11.>Book: Vymaanika Shaastra
12.>The works of Flavius Josephus.

Note: The most important research document used for this investigation is the King James Version of the Bible.

Copyright © 2005 SRVaughn


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